Suburban Tribe

Thursday, August 14, 2008



Friday, August 08, 2008

Suburban Tribe Migrating to ComicPress

In spite of my sporadic updates (Every time I promise that I'm back for good, something completely derails me, so I stopped making promises) I am still very active with this site and comic strip. I have plans, dammit, and one of them is about to happen: I'm about to switch to ComicPress and leave this musty old ASP database in an archive DVD on my bookcase.

As such, do not panic if you stop by over the next few days and find the site down or find broken links. I'm simply switching over to ComicPress and will be in the process of uploading strips, stomping out bugs, etc.

Wish me luck!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Quote of the Day

"Sometimes I think I am living in a nightmare. All about me, standards are collapsing, manners are evaporating [and] people show no respect for themselves. I am not a moralistic nut. I'm proud of the X-rated movie I once wrote. I like vulgarity if it's funny or serves a purpose. But what is going on here?"

-Roger Ebert, from his review of the movie Step Brothers

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Excuses, Excuses...

...or "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

Anyone want to take a guess why no strips since last Wednesday? You got it: my undead freelance projects pulled the stakes out of their hearts and are running around in the night, terrorizing innocent victims.

I'm working on a batch of 5-6 strips and will start posting -- uninterrupted, I hope -- again late this week or early next week.

I'm sorry about this. I was really intending my return to 3-day/week status to go more smoothly, with less drama. Hopefully, by this time in a week or two, everything will be kosher.

In the meantime, someone go see Wall-E for me.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Comics Return Late Monday, June 23

Ugh. Finally.

Finally cleared the decks to the point where I felt comfortable getting the comics going again. However, it has been quite a few long, busy weekends and I'm running out of gas as I type this. The latest comic is penciled and written, so look for a live stream/podcast Monday night as I wrap it up and talk about everything that's been going on.

Thanks again for hanging in there with me. I'm getting this train back on the rails ASAP.